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icobrain ct

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Dementia
  • CT

icobrain ct is intended for automatic labeling, visualization and volumetric quantification of segmentable brain structures from a set of brain non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) images. This software is intended to automate the current manual process of identifying, labeling and quantifying the volume of segmentable brain structures identified on CT images.

icobrain viewer

Images shown for illustrative purposes only.


~29% and ~21% improved nodules detection

Riverain's AI suppression technology removes structures that can camouflage cancer and lung disease. 1,2


~26% and ~20% faster nodule search time

ClearRead CT technology helps radiologists see through the complexity to better detect abnormalities.1,2


Higher inter-reader agreement rates2

Clinical Workflow

icobrain dm (Dementia)

icobrain dm workflow

icobrain tbi (Traumatic Brain Injury)

icobrain tbi workflow

For CalanticTM 1.0, no prior study will be examined for comparison.

white bg


    As input, icobrain ct uses computed tomography images (non-contrast CT (NCCT)).


    Appropriate Series for CT

    • Kilovoltage peak (kVp) 80-140
    • Slice thickness 0.4 – 5mm
    • Pixel spacing 0.3 – 1mm


    *Scanning Parameters are derived from the HCP Manual icobrain ct 6.2.0 v.12. To request these documents, please contact the vendor.

    For Dementia

    • normalized volume of the whole brain (sum of white and gray matter)
    • normalized volume of the lateral ventricles


    For Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

    • unnormalized measurement of the midline shift
    • unnormalized volumes of NCCT hyperdensities (epidural, subdural, intraparenchymal and their total); and largest hyperdensity component
    • normalized volumes of the left and right lateral ventricles, and of the fourth ventricle
    • normalized volumes of basal cisterns (suprasellar, quadrigeminal, prepontine and ambient)
    • asymmetry index between the left and right lateral ventricle

      EU risk class and CE marking 
      icobrain ct have CE marking (CE1639) and risk class Im.

      Reimbursement status 
      Not reimbursed.

      No contraindications given.

      Target population 
      Patients with a neurological disorder.

      Intended user 
      Healthcare professionals who treat and/or diagnose patients with a neurological disorder.

      Artifacts and anatomical deviations: Please make sure the images are free of artifacts and do not show evidence of surgical intervention (i.e., craniotomy, craniectomy, burr holes, external ventricular drains (EVD), intracranial pressure monitoring devices, etc) or other concomitant pathologies (e.g., such as a tumor, haemorrhages, etc), as these might have a negative impact on the results of fully automatic measurements. Even without artifacts or extensive deviations in anatomy, automatic measurements are subject to errors, intrinsically associated with the measurement device.

        Instructions for Use icobrain ct, software version 6.1
        App gallery wave image
        Discover ClearRead CT

        Discover icobrain ct

        Now available as part of Calantic’s Neuro Service Line. Contact us today to learn more.

        Get a Demo

        Other Offerings in the Neuro Service Line


        CINA (for ICH and LVO)

        • Ischemic stroke
        • Non-contrast
        • Intracranial Hemorrhage
        • CT

        icobrain mr

        • Traumatic Brain Injury
        • MRI
        • Dementia
        • Multiple Sclerosis

        IB Clinic

        • Oncology
        • MRI


        • Aneurysm
        • Brain Volumetry
        • Multiple Sclerosis
        • MRI