IB Clinic is designed to aid trained physicians in advanced image assessment, treatment consideration, and monitoring of therapeutic response. It generates various perfusion and diffusion related parameters, standardized image sets, and image intensity differences.

Images shown for illustrative purposes only.
Clinical Workflow

For CalanticTM software version 1.0.0, no prior study will be examined.

- Image process: DCE Perfusion Weighted MR Imaging (DCE-MRI)
- Slice thickness: 3-5mm
- Reconstruction: Axial
- Matrix size: Any
- Minimum contiguous volume: Any
- Maximum contiguous volume: Any
- Repetition time: Shortest TR<500ms , Shortest TE<10 ms
- Flip angle: Small FA=20º
IB Diffusion
- Image process: MR Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)
- Slice thickness: 3-5mm
- Reconstruction: Axial
- Matrix size: Any
- Minimum contiguous volume: Sufficient for tumor coverage
IB Neuro
- Image process: DSC Perfusion Weighted MR Imaging (DSC-MRI)
- Slice thickness: 3-5mm
- Reconstruction: Axial
- Matrix size: Any
- Minimum contiguous volume: Sufficient for tumor coverage
- Maximum contiguous volume: Chosen such that TR>2s with tumor coverage
- Repetition time: 1000 – 15000ms
- Flip angle: 60º or 30º w/preload at 1.5T 30o no preload at 3T
IB Delta T1
- Image process: MR T1-weighted images (with and without contrast)
- Slice thickness: 3-5mm
- Reconstruction: Axial
- Matrix size: Any
- Repetition time: Any
- Flip angle: Any
- Scanning considerations: Keep the same parameter setting for both pre and post-contrast T1
- Transfer constant from the blood plasma into the extravascular (Ktrans)
- Extravascular, extracellular fraction of the whole tissue volume (ve)
- Blood plasma fraction of the whole tissue volume (vp)
- Transfer constant from the extravascular, extracellular space back to the blood plasma (kep)
- Initial slope (IS) also known as Wash-in
- Wash-out (WO)
- Peak Enhancement (PE)
- Initial Area Under the Cover (IAUC)
- Time-to-Peak (TTP)
- Relative Time-to-Peak (rTTP)
IB Diffusion
- Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC)
- Distributed Diffusion Coefficient (DDC)
- Intra-voxel heterogeneity index (Alpha)
IB Neuro
- Relative Cerebral Blood Volume (rCBV)
- Relative Cerebral Blood Flow (rCBF)
- Mean Transit Time (MTT)
- Time-to-Peak (TTP)
- Relative Time-to-Peak (rTTP)
- Percent Signal Recovery (PSR)
IB Delta T1
- Delta T1 (dT1)
EU risk class and CE marking
IB Clinic has CE marking and risk class I.
Reimbursement status
Not reimbursed.
No contraindications given.
Target population
Not indicated.
Not Indicated.

Discover IB Clinic
Now available as part of Calantic’s Neuro Service Line. Contact us today to learn more.