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icobrain is intended for automatic labeling, visualization and volumetric quantification of segmentable brain structures from a set of MR or NCCT images.

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Ico Metrix
  • MR
  • MRI
  • CT
  • volumetric quantification
  • AI
  • segmentation
  • multiple sclerosis
  • dementia
  • TBI
  • traumatic brain injury

Automate the current manual process of identifying, labeling and quantifying the volume of segmentable brain structures identified on MR and NCCT images.

The output of each icobrain evaluation consists of a concise report with normative reference values and color-coded segmentations in DICOM format to help the radiologist and neurologist interpret and communicate the patient's condition.


    icobrain DM

    icobrain DM for MR and CT

    icobrain dm is intended to automate the current manual process of identifying, labeling, and quantifying the volume of segmentable brain structures identified on MR or NCCT images. For MR images icobrain dm uncovers abnormality patterns by 1) Assessing the total FLAIR lesion burden and 2) Comparing whole brain and ventricular volumes to an age-and gender matched normative healthy population. For NCCT images icobrain dm uncovers abnormality patterns by comparing whole brain and ventricular volumes to an age- and gender matched normative healthy population.

    icobrain MS

    icobrain ms: Cloud-based Al solution to help MS care teams deliver personalized care for patients with multiple sclerosis. This application is an Al solution for the volumetric quantification of brain MRI scans in clinical practice. 1) Population graph shows the age­ and gender-matched median and normal range for the whole brain and gray matter volume of healthy people. 2) Apply treatment scoring in routine (Rio, NEDA-3, NEDA-4, Rio-4) 3) Exercise Shared Decision Making 4) Assess treatment adherence

    icobrain TBI

    icobrain TBI for MR and CT

    icobrain tbi produces reports that can be useful when evaluating potential traumatic brain injury patients. For MR images icobrain TBI uncovers abnormality patterns by 1) Detecting and quantifying FLAIR white matter hyperintensities and 2) Comparing brain volumes to an age and gender matched normative healthy population. For NCCT images icobrain TBI allows for the detection of mass effects by: 1) Detecting, quantifying and classifying hyperdensities (epidural, subdural and intra­ parenchymal). 2)- Assessing the CSF spaces (ventricular and cisternal spaces) and ventricular asymmetry. 3) Measuring midline shift. 4) Visualizing CSF space patterns in an intuitive bull's eye graph. 5) Comparing volumes to an age-and gender matched normative healthy population



    1. lcometrix HCP Manual icobrian MR 5.0.5x doc. 158313995.45
    2. icometrix Manual - Report Interpretation
    3. FDA premarket notification K192130
    4. Sima et al, ECR 2020, Poster C-11342 RESULTS
    5. Van Hecke et al, Novel Digital Care Management Platform in MS, Brain Sci, 2021
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