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IB Neuro

Using proprietary algorithms, IB Neuro generates dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) parametric images.

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  • Perfusion
  • rCBV
  • rCBF

Performs post-processing of CT and MR datasets to evaluate image intensity variations over time.

IB Neuro generates dynamic susceptibility images. Dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) MRI methods allow the creation of relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV) maps that have the potential to provide more specific information about brain tumor biology and vasculature than compared to standard anatomical MR images. MRI-derived rCBV may:


1) better differentiate histologic brain tumor types than conventional MRI

2) provide information to predict glial tumor grade

3) provide key insights for helping predict survival.


rCBV maps may aid in differentiating post-treatment radiation effects from tumor and predict local recurrence or malignant transformation earlier than conventional conventional MR imaging.*


*Imaging Biometrics. (n.d.). IB Neuro. Retrieved August 2024, from https://www.imagingbiometrics.com/what-we-offer/product-services/ibneuro/


    Seamless integration

    Seamless integration streamlines workflows

    IB Neuro processes DSC Perfusion Weighted MR Imaging (DSC-MRI) and produces the following parameter outputs: 

    • rCBV ( Relative Cerebral Blood Volume ) 
    • rCBF ( Relative Cerebral Blood Flow )
    • MTT (Mean Transit Time)
    • TTP (Time-to-Peak )
    • rTTP (Relative Time-to-Peak )

    Automated AIF determination

    Automated arterial / vascular input function (AIF/VIF) generation

    • IB Neuro is a commercial platform used in multi-center clinical studies
    • IB Neuro is compatible with all MR vendor platforms.


    1. IB Clinic 2.0 release 21.12 User Manual
    2. Prah et al, Repeatability of Standardized and Normalized Relative CBV, AJNR Am J Neuroradiology, 2015
    3. Hu, et al, Impact of Software Modeling on the Accuracy of Perfusion MRI, AJNR Am J Neuroradiology, 2015
    4. Schmainda et al, Quantitative Delta T1 (dT1), AJNR Am J Neuroradiology, 2019
    5. Schmainda, Diffusion­ weighted MRI as a biomarker for treatment response in glioma, CNS Oncol, 2012

    What Customers Are Saying

    "They [IB Neuro derived maps] have proven to provide information that can help interpret MRI findings and optimize treatment for our patients."

    Dr Jennifer Connelly
    MD, Associate Professor of Neurology and Co-Director of the Neuro-oncology Program at The Froedtert and Medical College of Wisconsin.

    May not reflect a typical user experience; actual results may vary.

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