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ClearRead CT Detect/Compare

See Clearly. Decide Confidently. Reduce nodule search time, increase confidence, and improve detection during search by suppressing normal structures. Enable efficient visual and volumetric comparisons between exams.

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Riverain Technologies
  • CT
  • Analysis
  • Lung Nodules

In a typical CT study, lung nodules and abnormalities are often shielded by physical structures and even machine "noise." ClearRead CT helps the normal be clear, the abnormal standout, and compare these findings with prior exams.

Riverain's ClearRead CT suppression technology simply allows radiologists to tackle a heavy workload that creates significant time restraints in analyzing each study. The ClearRead algorithm is effective at supporting the visualization and detection of solid, part-solid and ground glass nodules.


    Concurrent Reading Enhances Workflow

    ClearRead CT is an FDA-cleared device to support concurrent reading, allowing for faster reading with proven, superior*, automatic nodule detection performance for multiple nodule types, including solid, sub-solid and ground-glass nodules.

    *As compared to readers not aided by ClearRead CT.

    Automated Detection Can Reduce Variability

    After the vessels have been suppressed, ClearRead CT Detect/Compare leverages the vessel-suppression series to locate and characterize suspected nodules, enabling transparent, consistent automatic measurements and has the ability to compare findings to prior studies.

    ClearRead CT Compare

    Aids radiologists in tracking finding changes over time.


    1. Lo et al, Computer-Aided Detection of Lung Nodules, AJR, 2018
    2. LB-1174-W ClearRead CT Physician's Training Manual
    3. AR V28N7 Impact of Vessel Suppressed-CT K. Martini MD eta! July 2021
    4. Han et al, Influence of lung nodule margin on volume- and diameter. Br J Radiol, 2018
    5. Martini et al, Impact of Vessel Supressed-CT, Academic Radiology, 2021
    6. Al Central, ClearRead CT Overview, aicentral.acrdsi.org/ProductDetails/16 accessed 29/04/2022

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